

Kalsta #Tech Talk

General Tech

Ngm is Acting Silly So my mom recently had a new laptop purchased for one of her jobs (an Asus Aspire E), and since she hasn't taken it to work yet I decided to do some play-time on it. I can run games (such as MapleStory :P) off an external hard drive or thumb drive, so I popped that in and started booting up MS. Got past the "welcome" pop-up, Ahnlab started up just fine, but then the Nexon Game Manager (or BlackCypher, whichever it is - in the Task Manager it shows up as "NEXON") shows up and... hangs. And hangs. And won't go away, like that annoying relative living in the guest room, holding my game hostage for reasons unknown. It's not like I can't get in though; stopping the service from the 'Processes' tab seems to