

Kastex #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Questions for the pro db players Alright so im now going to go back to Db and now i have some questions for the pros. So yeah my questions are... 1. What should i go for when cubing my katara, dagger, badge, and emblem i know %atk but is there anything else? 2. For other pieces of gear do i just go for %luk or something else? 3. I know the tskiyomi katara has one more slot then sweeth2o katara so should i go for it or sweeth20?(please explain for this) 4. How much range would you need to 1-2 hit at sdh and fdh? 5. Are there decent skills that i DEFINITELY would need? 6. How much pdr, boss, min and max crit would i need to cvellum?