

KiDxHealer #Chat Talk

General Chat

I have a problem with my boyfriend Kinda. I know people are going to judge me and call me insecure (which I am...) but I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. Every time I'm around him he seems to walk away and go somewhere else instead of spending time with me. He claims that we spend almost every day together, which is a total lie. He always say 'ILY' to other girls, so I thought it'd be O.K with him if I said it to guys as brotherly love, but apparently, every time I say 'ILY' to another guy he gets mad and says "As a brother, right?" It's obvious that I do love my guy friends as a brother. He says my 'jokes' don't seem funny when his IGN is so degrading to me, it can possibly mean any other girl... It's like the first week we'

General Chat

Committed Online Relationship? So... I met my boyfriend on Maple Story 3 years ago but I never had the guts to actually tell him since he was dating another girl. Almost 6 months ago we had reconnected and I still liked him very much since those 3 years we've known each other. [We didn't know KNOW each other, but I had a really big crush on him, and I still do.] I asked him how him and his girlfriend were doing but they broke up 3-4 months prior and I instantly jumped at the opportunity to tell him how I felt and everything. So we talked for a bit then I had to go and then we started talking more on Skype since we both had each other on it. We're completely different from one another, but nevertheless i still liked him very much. After 2 we

General Chat

Wrong to be a different religion and liking own gender So I was walking around my neighborhood today with my friends. We rarely hang out since my dad doesn't let me outside much. Anyways I finally got to go outside today. While we were walking to the back of our neighborhood I brought up a question asking "If people pray to god(s)... than who do the god(s) pray to?" So this religious chick named Amy (let's use fake names) comes up to me and starts saying "There's not multiple gods, there is only one god, and that is God himself." I explained to her that I was actually Buddhist, not Christian. She started freaking out! She kept using this attitude asking me "Why are you Buddhist? You should be Christian. You seriousl

General Chat

Highschool fresh man next year. I've been in my school for at least 8 or 9 years and I'm finally graduating middle school! I'm in 8th grade right now and I'm REALLY excited about going to high school next year, but here's the problem; I've been hearing that people in the high school that I'm going to ACTUALLY do things to freshmen. June 9th 2011 is when I'm graduating. I'm really excited that I'm finally leaving my excuse of a school...! But I'm thinking about the consequences of being a freshman next year at the high school I'm going to. Can anyone give me advice? I've been hearing that people will be having separate lunch periods so my friends and I might not have the same lunch time together, and I don't know much people in the new high