

Kiirori #Anime Talk

General Anime

Hunter x Hunter dopped at episode 19 I'm gonna get a lot of flak for this but I just can't put up with ridiculous character/plot armor, when it's completely unnecessary. I understand Gon is just a child, but does he really have to be so dim-witted and stubborn? He had his ass handed to him by the bold ninja but refused to give up despite having 3 (or 4?) more opportunities to pass the round. His refusal was illogical and without reason. Half the time when bold ninja was reasoning with him, Gon didn't respond, probably because the original scriptwriters couldn't actually think of a logical response right? But when he does finally responds, he just spouts some childish nonsense "I want to find my dad, I feel if I give up now, I might nev

General Anime

Which anime series to watch next? Basically I want to know which one is the best out of these options. Honestly, I don't think 600 eps of One Piece is practical, so I might just opt to catch up with the manga if it gets most votes. Here are just some of my personal gripes. Thanks for help. Hunter x Hunter: hate the character designs, they look silly, like one piece characters. only decent looking character is the white haired dude killua. Gintama: tried watching like 2-3 times, never got past the 3rd episode, but it's supposed to be good and funny. One Piece: really long, really don't want to watch this, would rather read the manga. but if it's like naruto, it'd be regretful to miss out on good soundtrack and other stuff that anime has over