KinghoboAssassi #Fun Talk

General Fun

Batman Vs Superman Alright here is the scenario Location: Basically Earth moved to a different dimension where no yellow sun is present. Superman(New 52 so he's not completely OP) Fully charged on solar Energy So flight, Super speed(nowhere near as fast as flash), Optic eye beams of various spectrums, Super strength(On par with wonderwoman as she was able to hurt him) etc Not much more to add here, that's the only thing he needs Batman(New 52 for the sake of consistency although he doesn't change much) Battle Armor similar to the one from TDKR comics lined with enough Kryptonite(Head, Hands, Feet,) to harm Superman but not kill him. Full Utility belt including Kryptonite lined Batarangs (Enough to cause damage and cut him, not enough to kil