KrazyLoopyx #Anime Talk

General Anime

Favourite Anime? I know there's probably been like 500 anime threads on here, but I don't go on Basil very often and I have checked and I couldn't find one. ^^ I've watched a ton of anime and I've been watching anime since I was 12. Anyway, sorry for the ramble, but I just wanted to know in your opinion [b]what is your favorite anime and why?[/b] Not being rude, but try not to post the big 4 AKA Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, or KHR. (They were all really good animes but I would like to hear some other ones! :D ) IMO I have a tie between my favorites named Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet and Ouran High School Host Club. [b]Why OHSHC?[/b] I recently just rewatched it, and I really couldn't stop laughing. (Keep in mind it takes a lot to make me