

Lasorbeams #Chat Talk

General Chat

Lets share japanese rock we like Just one thing, no anime openings. It can be songs by the same bands, but not the opening. [url=](Japanese letters can't be added) -Ecosystem[/url] [url=]Buiikikaesu -Maximum the Hormone[/url] [url=]Hyakumankai Sukida To Itte -Jinn[/url] [url=]Killer Smile - Veltpunch[/url] [url=]Crash Crash Crash -Veltpunch[/url]

General Chat

Lets share japanese rock we like Just one thing, no anime openings. It can be songs by the same bands, but not the opening. [url=](Japanese letters can't be added) -Ecosystem[/url] [url=]Buiikikaesu -Maximum the Hormone[/url] [url=]Hyakumankai Sukida To Itte -Jinn[/url] [url=]Killer Smile - Veltpunch[/url] [url=]Crash Crash Crash -Veltpunch[/url]

General Chat

This morning I had My first full lucid dream! I started on top of a mountain, one of my friends was beside me. she says: "Have fun!" Me: "What? !" She pats my back really hard and I fall off, while I'm falling I realize its a dream. Everything started getting hazy which meant I was waking up, but "no not this time" I thought to myself. I grew angel wings and kept falling til I saw the ground. I then began to push my body up and started flying really fast! I flew through a city and saw myself on windows. I looked at my reflection, not looking in front of me I crashed into a brick wall. I woke up in front of my computer and the internet page was on a chat room. It was me and one other guy, he said "I'm going

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