

LeithiaX #General Talk


Price checks on chairs, iTCG, evo rings I'm on my phone so please disregard any spelling or grammatical errors. I've recently returned to maple, and have a lot of things on my mules I need price checked so I can sell. Help with anything price wise is much appreciated. CHAIRS amorian loveseat navy velvet sofa cake chair fish tank zakum dragon skull sand bunny male desert rabbit red round chair pink beach parasol easel chair chocolate fondue scary witch iTCG material components blinking dingbat mystic astrolobe black versal materia white versal materia ridley's book of rituals pharaohs wrappings dark matter typhon crest lefay jewel taru spirit feather iTCG equips el nathian cape cloak of corruption crystal blade glitter gloves facestompers mi


PCgt a lot of old things, books, more stuff. Gigantic List Hi, I'm Hawkspar and I'm a hoarder. That being said, I have a LOT of old equips from events and other things I've gotten recently I need a PC for so I can cLean out my other accounts and make some money. I'm going to try to keep this organized. Unless marked otherwise, all equips are average. Basil decided to change my "PC>" into a "PCgt" for some reason, but yes, I NEED PRICE CHECKS! Old Event Items / Old Gach Items Maplehontas (F) Eclipse Earrings Eclipse Cloak Lunar Gloves Herculean Helmet White Identity Pumpkin Basket ( 2006 SE ) Surfboard Sky Snowboard Silver Snowboard Aqua Snowboard Dark Snowboard Golden Snowboard Bloody Snowboard Red Flowery Tube Emerge