

LightZero #General Talk


Questions about Evolution Lab Hello there basil people, I'm trying to get my master craftsman and meister back for alchemy but with the evolution lab nerf/revamp/devamp (not even sure what to call it now - it gives good amount of exp for traits) what are some methods of obtaining raw materials (herbs mainly but ores as well). I've been trying to find mysterious veins, heart stones and gold flowers but they seem to be harder to find nowadays(So perhaps a map suggestion?) so I've just been using the ardentmill mining area which is great and all but I wish it dropped multiple herbs/ores rather than 1 at a time. Also do evo herbs and ores core still drop? I used to have 50+ but now its like 2 of each so at this point I'm just scared to use it b


PSoK and tradability question I don't really have the mesos/nx to test it so I wanted to ask you guys. I'm trying to find a way around the soul shard glitch at the moment where you have to have legendary spirit skill to put soul on a weapon(w.o losing tradability ofc). If I were to psok a fafnir weapon before equipping it (like people do with sweet h20 gear), since it was initially tradable, does that mean after equipping it to put a shard and de-quipping, it will use up the psok and remain tradable? Thanks basilers :P


Which boss gives the most exp for a lvl 200? Hey guys, I'm not really a fan of the grinding aspect of the game (like sdh forever and all the hassles that come with it) so I was thinking which bosses give the most exp? I'd imagine pink bean(and its statues), cht and madman ranmaru. Are there any bosses outside these guys that give a lot of exp for lvl 200+? Also I ask for most is because that's the first boss I will kill using a rune so that I can get 2x for that kill. Thanks guys~