

LiliKoby #Chat Talk

General Chat

Is it bad to dissociate ourselves with people who arent "normal"? and why? I use quotes because every individual has issues, but just some have more prominent ones. made a thread about his mental illness and how it has affected his relationships but is it wrong for people without major issues (mental/physical) to dissociate ourselves from people who are delusional, have mental illnesses, or some physical setback (lost limbs/living on a respirator, etc). Like I won't go out of my way to antagonize those people, and will try to give them fair treatment in a professional setting, but I'm not gonna lie, it's really offputting when it comes to friendship/other personal relationships with people with these issues since it's just so much

General Chat

Lilikobys not so great college adventure pt1 Saw make these posts and since I'm just starting college too, I felt like it would be fun. I just moved in to UC Berkeley on the 22nd, and am intending to pursue a CS/Applied Math Major, we officially started classes on the 26th. But lbh who cares about that. I'll just talk about what's important. In terms of partying, college was what I expected it to be. My school doesn't go that hard and the parties are kinda whack, just a bunch of awkward dudes smashin a few cheap beers with ugly white girls who have low self esteem. All the kids who wanted to be cool but have never done anything in their lives before hit up all the frats the first few days, and it was lame as hell. Personally, I just did sho

General Chat

OFFICIAL BASILMARKET WAYWT THREAD I thought it would be fun to get an official WAYWT thread going. For those of you who don't know, WAYWT stands for 'What are you wearing today'. Basically, this is a thread for you to post a picture of today's outfit! How this thread works: If you see an outfit someone else posted that you like, make sure to upvote! If you don't like it, please keep it civil and don't flame/put down anyone. At the end of the month, I will take the top 3 most upvoted outfits of that month and slowly start compiling a hall of fame. How you should format your posts: Date: [MM/DD/YY] Picture link: Outfit Pieces (optional): You might want to list where you got specific pieces of your outfit, in case someone w

General Chat

Lilikobys not so great college adventure pt2 Pt. 1: Okay so a few weeks have passed and I'm over said chick from before. I heard it's not a good idea to pursue committed relationships freshman year of college anyways, but the crappy thing is, I don't want all the cute asian girls to be taken (there are very few). Anyways, the second part of my story has nothing to do with the first really. I'm taking this huge computer science weeder class. At Berkeley, you need a 3.3 GPA in 3 classes in order to declare the major officially, which sounds easy but when you look at the grade distribution, is actually hard as hell. My CS class has 1400 kids, and only 25% make the GPA cap. I just took my first midterm and oooh boy. I ended up getting a 28/40 w

General Chat

I am a musical genius sometimes i play the violin and i think wow man i am way too good why do people even listen to music they should listen to bae because he is music legend man like no one even understands music like i do i am the musician of the century call me mozart 2.0 because your babies should listen to my music while they sleep to make them smarter otherwise they won't be smart thus causing them to not listen to my music so no one understands me i am misunderstood but then again most great musicians are misunderstood so its ok thats fine i dont care

General Chat

Am I the only one who thinks online journalism is complete and utter crap? Especially publications like the Huffington post, which are everywhere now due to ignorant liberals (not all liberals are uninformed but many ignorant people are liberals) in which every piece is a biased and uninformed opinion piece ma)king it seem as if "opinions" are suddenly news (Angers me even more that most of these are SJW opinion articles, seriously, I'm all for equality but these pigs can go screw themselves or at least shut up since the idiocy that comes from their mouths lower my IQ every time I hear it I swear). It's not news, it's just bullcrap. Even respectable publications such as Time, etc in terms of their actual print post crap like links

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