

Llamamamma #Chat Talk

General Chat

Basil I need your advice So I asked this girl I have a crush on whether she wanted to have dinner or see a movie and she responded that "her work hours keep changing and she has to take Gre so she doesn't think she'll have the time to hang out in next few months". So the thing is we've already gotten lunch a few times and compared hw and stuff. Her reply made me really surprisingly sad and it's hard for me to understand how someone can't find time in a single evening to go out to dinner once, since I always find time for those things even when I'm really busy. However I can see her viewpoint as she comes across as a hard working student and even during finals she pretty much studied all week, so she might actually be that busy. Bu

General Chat

Story time I wish I never loved. Never had any feelings. Oh my god it's so painful. I hate falling in love. I asked her out and told her I had feelings for her. You know what? It is not better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. She wanted to stay friends after. I said sure. I can't believe she says she didn't know I had feelings for her. After the things we did...dude. Friends don't do that stuff. She doesn't owe me anything and is entitled to do whatever she wants obviously, but wtf man. You should have seen her look after I brought her desert and how she smiled at me and got so happy and was like "for me? That's so nice! I should get you something too", or when we visited and did stuff together during the sc

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