

Lokiyll #Marksman Talk

General Marksman

What to upgrade with 1.5 bil? I know that my biggest problem is a lack of %dex but I don't want to spend money and cube all my things :P So, when keeping that in mind, what should I do? ._.; [b]Current equips:[/b] everything has pot but the lines are useless unless stated Emp Hat: 8 watk Mystic Face Acc: 4 watk [2% dex bonus pot] Mystic Eye Acc: [3% dex] Elite Heliseum Cape: 10 watk with 2 stars >___> (9% luk -facepalm-) Emp Gloves: 8 watk Emp Overall: 14 watk Emp Shoes: 7 watk Perfect Red Rex Earrings: 8 watk [6% dex] Tempest Epaulet: 5 watk Emp Xbow: 147 watk [3% all stats] Tempest Ring: 5 watk Evo Ring II Evo Ring III Bullseye Ring True Shot (3 watk) MoN Mystic Belt Oh also, would anyone happen to know how much a clean Emp Glove wi