

LostMyJob #Chat Talk

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Divergent thoughts your thoughts on the book and movie? i dunno as a fan of the hunger games divergent definitely killed me i finished the first and second book in a few days and then as soon as the third book came out i bought it because i couldn't wait to go through 500 reserves at the public library to read it. I watched the movie today and obviously it wasn't as good as the movie but :l sequel in coming out in 2016? AND it's split into two? wtf movie plot was okay... but so much details are missed and it was 3 hours. I felt like it needed more action. any thoughts?

General Chat

Summary of North Korea threats Not gonna happen. North Korea, Please try and bomb and America, once you fail I shall laugh at you. America, hurry and blow them off the map so we don't have to hear their threats that only have 10% chance of happening. Yes, China is supporting them but no so much after they said they were bombing America; Please do not take their threats seriously, They haven't even bombed South Korea, and if you count that little island, that was so tiny. GG Kim Jong Un you fat load of tard.

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