

MSmaste #Chat Talk

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Sophomore Thesis Hey guys! I'm looking for some advice concerning academics So basically I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm currently taking Honors Humanities, which is an english/humanities class. Well our final assessment is a project known as the Sophomore Thesis in which we pick any topic (art, literature, music, film), analyze it through a filter, and write a huge paper putting together all of our research to argue a point. Anyways, I've chosen to write my thesis on Perfume by Patrick Suskind, but I'm not sure if this is a good choice or not. So for those who have read it: How difficult was it for you to understand? Was it too boring? Too easy? Way too hard? Any input is appreciated! The reason I'm looking for advice is because I d

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Is this a good buy? So basically I need a laptop that I can use for my academics, something that is easily transportable, fast, and convenient. I'm not interested in playing any games on this laptop, and from what I heard, chromebooks are great for students and cheap. I found this chromebook: [url=][/url] Any recommendations/suggestions?