

MagicWok #Chat Talk

General Chat

What Should i do for the next month Now that my computer is getting fixed yay but downside is it will take around a month right after my holidays oh god am i unlucky so what should i do? Btw this is the laptop im using so it doesnt have games yeah no maple oh well. My holidays are 2 weeks long i just hope the person who is fixing my computer can do it as soon as possible. Man all i really want to do is play my dual blade its been like 3 weeks now since i haven't logged on my dual blade =[

General Chat

Is there still any point of playing F2p Mmorpg games? Okay, so atm i'm sorta of debating on whenever i should come back to play F2P MMORPG games like (Maple, DragonSaga etc) Or is it just a complete waste of time, and a general rule of it is to stay away from F2P MMORPG games since they lack some sort of balance between in game currency? Is it because perhaps they are dying as well (lack of players etc, no updates etc) Or perhaps its pay to play MMORPG games the are the way to go atm? P2P games like (Blade and Soul, Final Fantasy 14 etc) TLDR: Is there really an incentive to play F2P MMORPG games these days?

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