MaliciousRogue #Kanna Talk

General Kanna

How viable is it to level without a ton of funding? I was wondering if it would be doable to level a Kanna to around 120-ish with very little funding, basically meaning I'd only be able to afford pots since mage gear is so expensive. I know it's possible, but would be it be bearable? Cause I'm leveling a Xenon to 100+ at the moment and I've been using any and all spell traces I find to increase his gear so that I don't really need a lot of funding to be able to kill things pretty quickly, plus I plan on hopefully selling those items later on. However I notice that Kanna didn't really get any big changes to their damage meaning they're still not up there with the other Mage classes. I mean I enjoy the fact that I don't need to spend a ton of