

MaraKaku #General Talk


Your good old days arent old enough! As for me and probly a few others on Basil market i started maple story back when they opened the game to every one! i waited three days for them to open the game(Beta players will tell me im young now)but yea i remeber maple island covered with players penrion was also covered and if you werent strong enough you had to train on snails because people would hog pig beach and you had to walk to the other side of penrion to train at land of the wild boar 2 because all the sin's where hogging land of the wld boar's 1


alrigh what am i doing wrong in pvp well im a 156 wild hunter and while in pvp i cant seem to do...any thing! my wild arrow blast has a super short range and will hit maybe a few times like 3 times if i just stand there in front of the person...shooting and shooting....all my skills have huge delays and every time i try and do any thing! a dual blade comes and spams the spinging move or phantom blow or any other class will come and spam any move! maybe its just me but are other wild hunters seeming to have a problem with getting over 500 in a pvp match while dual blade and mages and other classes easily get 1k or even 2k?


People wont buy my 6 str shoes i fused some shoes that came out epic two line one line being 6% str(worth 40~50 mil in elnido)second line came out 16% now people wont buy them cause they say they are glitched when nexon clearly said it was a typo,these shoes have no danger of getting you banned and just because they have the typo doesnt mean they dont give 6% str so before you guys go "OH NOES THESE GLITCHED YOU SCAMMER!" learn what a typo is learn that nexon is stupid and buy my shoe's...duh!


People wont buy my 6 str shoes i fused some shoes that came out epic two line one line being 6% str(worth 40~50 mil in elnido)second line came out 16% now people wont buy them cause they say they are glitched when nexon clearly said it was a typo,these shoes have no danger of getting you banned and just because they have the typo doesnt mean they dont give 6% str so before you guys go "OH NOES THESE GLITCHED YOU SCAMMER!" learn what a typo is learn that nexon is stupid and buy my shoe's...duh!


To all of elnido its pq time I play in the elnido server and i know its a small server(not many people)but! i know there are people! and we need to start pqing again guys!after the recent jump/accession patch the pq's have been revamped and give so much more exp and the rewards! they have gotten to be so much better! so if you wanna pq then just tell me! whisper MRfireandpio! and ill come pq with you! :D right now im in ch 1 of magita pq and there's no one here...please change that! thanks in advance!(cause i know you guys will be there!)


i have a question about world transfer Well i have two questions really you need to be on the rank to be transfered? i heard a long time ago that you do but no where does it say that you have to be and 2.when will elnido be open to world transfers? i live in new york and every thing is much faster for me in elnido picking up meso and items and doing everything i have no lag(where as in scania things work just a bit slower) so does any one have some answears? thanks in advance!

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