MaxThePriest #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

If this weird SP allocation my fault? D: Alright... so I just advanced to bishop today, and to my surprise, i could not add the 3 free points he gives me into 4th job skills, it said, "You must first allocate skill points for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd job" or something like that, so here is entire 1st/2nd/3rd job allocation: 1st JOB: - Magic Guard 15 (MAXED) - Magic Armor 15 (MAXED) - Energy Bolt 7 - Magic Claw 20 (MAXED) - MP Boost 10 (MAXED) 2nd JOB: - Teleport 20 (MAXED) - Heal 30 (MAXED) - Invincible 15 (MAXED) - Bless 15 (MAXED) - Holy Arrow 1 - Spell Mastery (MAXED 3rd JOB: - Elemental Resistance 20 (MAXED) - Dispel 7 (It use to be 4, but I had to add the 3 points Gritto gave me to here.. D:) - Mystic Door 10 (MAXED) - Holy Symbol 30