Maypurstori #General Talk


Why hasnt Nexon made a pre-bb server yet? I hear around the time maple had the BB patch WoW had a patch that also changed the game a lot. Both games lost over 35% of their player base off of it. I have a few friends who said WoW did something similar to the whole pre-bb server idea for maple, and they made a decent recovery for the game. I realize there are people who enjoyed the changes, which I also did to an extent, but I don't see why we can't have a server that gets new classes and all that, but it works a lot like V.70ish over what it is now, no potentials, old exp ratios mobs and maps, etc. Maple made it's peak revenue at like $600 million for 2010, the BB patch happened right as 2011 started if I remember correctly, and they made le


Having Trouble Getting Some Nx Online So I went onto the maple website and tried to buy 10k NX credit with my parent's bank card. I've bought it with this same card before, I double checked all the info and it's good, and over that I checked their account online and it's fine. I also bought a headset from amazon not too long before trying to buy some NX. It's been like a week since then, and I tried again, and it still keeps telling me there has been an error and it won't work, is the website just messed up right now?