

MegGriffin #Chat Talk

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Got into a big fight today So this guy and I were arguing about stuff and then we got into a fight. He started off with a punch to the gut, but I countered with a punch to the face. We hit each other in the face a couple more times and then he tackled me. I managed to get up and put him in a choke hold. He struggled for a couple seconds but then he got a nice kick to the foot and I was hurt. He got out and gave me a major choke hold and I was stuck for 10 seconds. I managed to get out just before I would pass out and I started to punch him a bunch of times. Just when I thought I was going to win, he got me on the ground and started punching me furiously. Just when I thought I would lose, I managed to do it. I PUNCHED HIM IN MY BALLS. And it

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Woman and their idiotic idea of equal rights Before you flame me for being inconsiderate, listen. Countless times I will be walking and I see a girl and I hold the door for her. Why do I do it? You guessed it, shes a girl. I wouldn't feel so obligated to hold it for a guy would I? Also, why can't women be drafted? They want equal rights, then you should be picked too. Excluding pregnant and other complications. Also, why when a man gets violated by a girl its not bad, but when a girl gets violated by a man it is? Obviously both are bad, but everyone is like: "OMG she got violated!" "He got vioated? Haha nice joke" Clearly women are okay with this but yet, they ask for equal rights. Really I don't understand this. What do

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What should I do? So my grade (junior, 11th) has created a summer softball league and we plan to do finish it before school ends. Basically I was all excited and ready to play and they had a draft and nobody drafted me and a couple people. Now they aren't letting us play even though everyone was able to play last year. Just kind of sad honestly... I really wanted to play even though I'm pretty bad, thought it would be for fun, not to win so much. How do you think I should go about trying to get them to let me play?

General Chat

Good Video Games to get? Hello everyone! I have $60 which is enough to buy any game for any console pretty much. So I have an X-Box 360 and a computer. Can you guys suggest any cool games for either console? Also note: I do not have X-Box live so I don't know if I would want a game because of online play. If I get a PC game, do I need to do anything special to play with others? Or am I automatically able to play with people upon playing the game? So please suggest your games, and whether I should buy for xbox or PC. (Do not have X-Box live once again) Thank you!

General Chat

Water as a solvent for alien races Well I'm a freshmen in High school so this is just a question on what ive learned so far. Considering that water is a solvent for us, and everything on earth, is it possible that we are looking for wrong things? Such as maybe something else is a solvent for alien species. So we are just looking for water, but it could be another thing that we should be looking for. Honestly, I can only rephrase it like this: Is it possible that an alien species is not made out of water, but something else. Therefore we are looking in the wrong places for aliens.

General Chat

Water as a solvent for alien races Well I'm a freshmen in High school so this is just a question on what ive learned so far. Considering that water is a solvent for us, and everything on earth, is it possible that we are looking for wrong things? Such as maybe something else is a solvent for alien species. So we are just looking for water, but it could be another thing that we should be looking for. Honestly, I can only rephrase it like this: Is it possible that an alien species is not made out of water, but something else. Therefore we are looking in the wrong places for aliens.

General Chat

To hell with teachers Yeah you can tell school today wasn't fun. I'm in high school and the first thing I noticed was that we were allowed to type our homework in class. (Or well after class which means towards the end.) Well anyways, after my class I whip my phone out and start typing my homework. The teacher decides to take my phone away and give it to the office. Well my parents are in Paris and they have to pick it up. Also, every single teacher lets me use my phone at the end to write my homework. Its easier this way and I will never forget/lose it cause I care about my phone. You know what the best part is? My maid wasn't home so I couldn't call her to open the door too. Also, my little 4 year old brother was outside for 20 minutes be

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