

MegaSonic #Chat Talk

General Chat

So whats this brony thing? Is it Srsly what urban dictionary says it is? Bro + pony? As in a guy typically 13-30 years old watching "My little pony"? If that is true all I have to say to you "brony" guys is just grow a pair 0_0 My little pony? Srsly? That sounds soooo gey And I actually heard that these guys defend themselves with flaud arguments like: "it no make you gey, it make you cooler" "were normal people, we blend in fine". <---u dont, I saw one at school and he was the opposite of conformity "it's the same as watching spongbob" OT: I'm not one of those people who don't see something before saying something, so I went to YouTube, watched 5 mins from a episode, and it only made me

General Chat

So whats this brony thing? Is it Srsly what urban dictionary says it is? Bro + pony? As in a guy typically 13-30 years old watching "My little pony"? If that is true all I have to say to you "brony" guys is just grow a pair 0_0 My little pony? Srsly? That sounds soooo gey And I actually heard that these guys defend themselves with flaud arguments like: "it no make you gey, it make you cooler" "were normal people, we blend in fine". <---u dont, I saw one at school and he was the opposite of conformity "it's the same as watching spongbob" OT: I'm not one of those people who don't see something before saying something, so I went to YouTube, watched 5 mins from a episode, and it only made me