

Mephisto94 #General Talk


Old times where have they gone? Today, I made a quest of the "crumbling zakum" and for my surprise he dropped a zhelm. I cant stop reminding those golden days.... in FM entrance on channel 1 (there were only 19) zakum helms were being sold by 50m, if you were lucky. I still remember that day when in my fire poison wizard i bought that zakum helm... i felt really a pro, and i was only a level 5x but i was happy. Those hard trainings at leafre, el nath with your friends, those NL's throwing ilbis (they were the only ones with a jump skill, nowdays every class has one) the arch mages spamming theire ultimate attack: blizzard, meteor shower and Genesis (also, nowdays everyone has their 15 mob atk skill that hits all the map) those hun

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