Merchanting #Chat Talk

General Chat

at what lvl in lol do people start playing properly? Just wondering because I love playing adc but most of my games my team doesn't; protect me, they go off on their own, they don't use wards, overall have no sense of teamwork. The thing that makes me mad the most is that my laning partner on bot doesn't give me the chance to take the kills and get fed, instead last game was horrible because my laning partner kept taking the kills and kept letting me die without trying. I even tried asking him to stop nicely but he didn't haha.

General Chat

whats with the hate on sword art online? I don't see why people keep saying it's bad, the worst, etc. Give me some solid reasons why it is bad, I honestly think it's pretty clever and entertaining. The storyline is decent, the animation is good too. It's refreshing even though I admit some parts get boring. I don't consider myself having bad anime taste one piece is my all time favorite, naruto and bleach are honestly anime that should have ended a long time ago it's too stretched and how they keep continuing (yes you bleach) is just irritating. SAO is compact and brief don't get how you would not like that.

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