Merchanting #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Hero or Pally I'm making a ua and I can't decide which one I should pick. I've seen plenty of threads about this but they don't even mention what I'm looking for. I want something exciting and new that would deal decent damage. I only have about 43% str and evo ring 17 and 10 with resistance ring and legends ring. Would I be doing decent damage as a paladin with this? The reason I'm considering pally a option is because I kind of want to try something new, and hero for bossing will be easily replaced by my future kaiser. Please people I'm in need of help. Btw if I decide to go pally I only have a 3% str shield and a 109 att lvl 80 sword.

General Warrior

Is 1h shield still better than 2h Post RED for heroes. I've always wanted to go 1h sword maye axe if its cheaper. But the problem is that I don't know how much they cost. Like how much a 20 Att shield is or 15 the least with some STR % on it. I guess I could pick up a cutlass and try to scroll it with the rumored unlimited scrolls so that would be 1 problem checked off. How is the gap between 1h vs 2h now? I heard that even the 2h is better now. But to be honest I don't think I'd be able to hit cap with 70% STR