

Miirag3 #Tech Talk

General Tech

Custom Desktop Help With the help of she was able to make me a custom desktop. I'm pretty new to this so I would like to know what you think about the specifications, if you can just read this over and just add a reply as to what to fix/remove/add, if it is even needed. I am not doubting it, but looking for more reassurance! My budget for this custom desktop is roughly around $1000 CDN. What I'm hoping this desktop will be able to do is to be able to play CoD : BO, GunZ, CSS, Dragons Nest, Allods, WoW, LoL, and games similar. Also, I will be doing some homework, and internet surfing. I'm still in HS so the homework isn't anything extreme. Also with custom made PC's what's the chance the PC will encounter a hardware problem? Your input will

General Tech

Help me look for the best laptop at my price Its been a while since I was looking at new computer hardware and am oblivious to whats good and whats not Now that Im moving on to university, its time to start looking for laptops. My price range is currently around $4000CDN ($500 give/take if very good deal). Some things ill be using this future laptop for are education needs, surfing the internet (videos etc), and gaming (gta5, hawken, assassins creed, warface) I also reside in Ontario, Canada if that helps I need a laptop thatll give me the best bang for my buck EDITED /with new price page3 continues