

Mirandath #Luminous Talk

General Luminous

My Luminous Character is Recieving Unnecessary Hate Just because of his appearance and ign. I'm not offending anyone. It dates back to a joke before Luminous came out. One of my friends dared me to make my Luminous look like a furry to annoy this other person who despises that fandom. I'm neutral toward the furry fandom, I mean, I really don't care what people draw. Art is art. Here's an image. Also, I can't add this character on my basil playerslist because of a censored word, yáoi. My IGN is a portmanteau of the word "furry", as in the anthropomorphic animal style of art, and "yáoi" which also known as Boys' Love, is a Japanese popular term for female-oriented fictional media that focus on homoerotic or homoroman