ModerateTrader #Gms Talk

General Gms

EvoLovE member botting As one of the prestigious guilds of Bera, I am surprised to see a member under their guild name bot at Second Drill Hall SH. EmoSkyShade is definitely botting or using some form of 3rd party program to continuously follow a pattern of movements and attacks over and over again. It comes to the point where he is simply not attacking a monster but continues to attack at that spot until reaching a certain time interval where he walks back to another position and continues the cycle. I'm pretty sure it's not tolerated under Nexon, but now I'm questioning whether EvoLovE tolerates this? If not, leader of EvoLovE you got a botter representing your guild here. EDIT: Want proof? Bera Ch 16 Knight Stronghold Second Drill Hall.

General Gms

Bera dont trust ShadeyJayy/KaiserFate6 This didn't affect me, but my guild members. An ex-guild member of ours IGN ShadeyJayy took advantage of the guild's trust and ran off with several items from two members. I know they should have been more careful, with the use of collateral or vouchers, but what disgusts me is that someone would go so low as to do such a thing to fellow guild members. First case: ShadeyJayy got scammed and a guild member felt bad for him. She offered to give him 3 red cubes to cube his item, in return of paying back when he gets mesos. It's been several days and he's been ignoring that guild member who gave him the cubes, and spams B>NX/Gollux Services in alliance chat. I told him that he should pay back that guild

General Gms

EvoLovE member botting As one of the prestigious guilds of Bera, I am surprised to see a member under their guild name bot at Second Drill Hall SH. EmoSkyShade is definitely botting or using some form of 3rd party program to continuously follow a pattern of movements and attacks over and over again. It comes to the point where he is simply not attacking a monster but continues to attack at that spot until reaching a certain time interval where he walks back to another position and continues the cycle. I'm pretty sure it's not tolerated under Nexon, but now I'm questioning whether EvoLovE tolerates this? If not, leader of EvoLovE you got a botter representing your guild here. EDIT: Want proof? Bera Ch 16 Knight Stronghold Second Drill Hall.