ModsAreDumb #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

Xenoblade X fanboys? Yes, this is a rant. I'm not hiding this fact. Why are people overrating this game like it's perfect in every single way? I was ultra hyped for it myself and I still love it (most of it...) but the few flaws it has are painfully obvious and it seems everyone just pretends they aren't there. Maybe I'm crazy but how do you miss these? 1. The targeting is absolute horse sh*t and switching enemies only works like 30% time. The other 70% is you running around in circles spamming R+A/B to hopefully switch to the target you want. Worst targeting I've seen in years. 2. The soundtrack is very poorly integrated. I LOVE the soundtrack, but it's jarring as hell a lot of the time. Most cutscenes have really loud background music and