

MrNoobody #Chat Talk

General Chat

Wow what a dush So today in spanish class, our homework was to answer "Que llevas" basically, waht are you wearing. So on my paper i say I am wearing a white shirt. I am wearing blue jeans. So the homework checker was supposedly my "friend" but when she came to check it, she said it was incomplete. I argued and she finally said that ok she will accept it. So today, i went on "parent portal" to check my grade and it says i have a missing assignment. So fail

General Chat

McDonalds Gave Me A Small McNugget I went to McDonalds today and ordered a 20 piece McNugget meal for lunch. I politely asked for 7 barbeque sauces, sat down, and began eating the McNuggets. Then the incident occured. I picked up my 7th McNugget, and it was tiny! It looked like 1/2 a McNugget. I went in my car and took out my tape measurer, went back in and measured all the McNuggets, and found out that the small McNugget was on average only 3/5 the size of the other McNuggets! I was so offended I immediately left. I cried on the drive home. How dare they CHEAT me. What should I do not? Anyone have similar experiences? Please help.

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