Mystelteinn #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Range boost? Since yesterday's patch, my self buffed range went from around 250K up to 280K, which is an increase of 30K. I find that someone disturbing, since I didn't gain nor lose gear, and the only extra Link skills (level 2) I got after patch shouldn't have anything to do with damage directly. Also, on a side note, anyone else notice that even though our ranges are higher, our damage seems to vary more? I used to hit about 670-800K per lines of FB before (on crits), and now it's like 550-850K. Did we have some kind of mastery variation or something? O_O

General Battlemage

Inner abilities? Here's the situation : Ever since I gained 3 lined of Inner abilities (upon reaching 60), I've used circulators until I got Buff duration %, to be able to have perma BB even before we got Union Aura. Now that Buff duration % is somewhat less useful (at least for perma BB), I have 35 or so circulators left. After using about 3-4, I managed to get +1 to passive skills, which gives me an extra skill (passing cap) on ADA and AYA, effectively making both skills level 31. At level 31, I gain an extra line of DoT (4 lines instead of 3) on ADA, 1% more party damage, and 2% additional dodge on AYA (1 passive and 1 active). My question is : Should I keep or reroll and hope for like, MATK or Boss damage%?

General Battlemage

Body boost not glitched? Taken from Orange mushy's blog (I'm guessing he translated those from KMST or Insoya). ''Super Body: effects were not changed (all Aura effects are doubled, each still has their own seperate duration), max level has been increased from 10 to 20, required skills have been changed to level 10 Red Aura, Green Aura, and Blue Aura'' Now, the part that ticks me is the fact that it says ''all Aura effects are doubled''. Meaning Refine Red Aura normally gives 20% dmg, and 40% under the effects of body boost. As it is in GMS right now, we get 20% from ADA, and an additionnal 20% from Body boost. But, we all know that it was not this way before, that it actually gave +40% on top of the 20%, for a total of 60% dmg. I'm wonderi

General Battlemage

All BaM boss runs Hey there fellow Battle mages! Similar to 's topic, I'm trying to gather an all BaM crew for some boss runs after we get our revamp. Sign up here if you're in Broa and feel you're up to the task! I'll probably record the runs as well (Or if someone wants to do it, he's welcome). Thanks in advance! Edit : So far we have for [b]Broa[/b], Saturday or Sunday 7PM+ PST (10PM+ EST) - MarineKrow () - Derkmagician () - Ibysi () - xxazbelxx () - kattfot () - xTLK () - Kuisone () - Mystelteinn () - azntan9 () - green4ura () - illfortune () - UnhappyStaff () I think we pretty much gathered all the active Broa BaMs on Basil, except maybe Gina (xGumiGna), if you guys can get a hold of her. Btw, here's a few boss suggestions (most of the

General Battlemage

Hold your horse Ok, so here's the deal : We've all seen the ''upcoming'' revamp for BaMs that came out for KMST (For those who haven't, just check the gazillion topics about it). Now, as we know KMST is the TEST server, meaning that is where they try out new ideas before they come out on the main server, so they can tweak and change before doing anything drastic, based on people's feedback. I don't know if you remember the first videos we had of KMST's battle mage more than 2 years ago, before BaM was released, but BaMs looked like a button mashing class, much like Arans. To our good surprise, they didn't come out this way, because it is KMST. Changes that are made KMST will or might not even reach KMS, let alone GMS. On another sidenote, w

General Battlemage

Anyone else - Sp Reset? Anyone else had their SP reset after this patch? I wasn't even turned into a phantom. Now I have to re-allocate all my SP. Sigh. Edit : It seems they effed up SP allocation to jobs as well : Is it me or my 6 points leftover from 1st job are supposed to be in second job? I have everything in 1st job maxed, yet 6 leftover points that If i remember correctly, are supposed to go in Dark chains, since right before patch i had both first and second job skills maxed. Wow, way to mess up.