NebulaSyndicate #General Talk


I got scammed, 40k nx. Well I used 2 $20 Ultimate Game cards and when I did they both said success Nexon Cash has been added, but when I review my purchases there's nothing there and when I go in game and press Check Cash there's nothing there. I didn't take a screenshot of the "Redemption Success" because I thought it would be instant. Should I wait a while or should I log a ticket to nexon? I don't know what to do and I'm so pissed. UPDATE: It has been over 40 minutes and I still haven't received it. For all the people who don't now how to read. THE NEXON GAME CARD MATINENCE IS IN 7 HOURS. NOT NOW.


xxxgrimslock and PrintedBills are both scammers. They both took my balrog chair and zakum chair because they were my friends. It's fine i'm not that mad. I'm just amazed what maple has come to. You know taht feeling when you get scammed? Yeah especially by a person in maple that you've known for so long maybe 2-3 years. I've sured learned my lessons. Beware of these two people who may seem nice but inside their hearts are full of evil. That's my rant for the day. Thank you for reading my rant.


How I made Max Mesos in 3 days. Well I start fresh in the world. (Bera)I have about 10m. I go around and see this guy getting a Dragon Khanjar from NLC GACH. I chat him and asks him to offer. He says 6m and I say ok? He weasn't kidding. I resold it for 800m. To celebrate my success I bought 10 MMB for 15m ea. The 8th One was MW30. I was so happy. After I sold that I was at 1.5b. So I decided to spend 300m on MMB. I got mw30 on the 23rd book. I was flabbergasted. I resold it for 900m and bought ended up with 2b. Merched some stuff. And Boom Max Mesos. What was your story?


Feeling of getting hacked. Soo prior to reaching 1b in maplestory and having about 5b worth in equips I feel as great as ever. i remember those days where I was noob and had to beg for 100k. Those were the days, but something so terrible happened. i was hacked (omg! D So what happened was I set up my shop because my mushy had expired. I'm excited to go swimming with my cousins and friends from california. When I come back my laptop is logged off to the log in screen. I'm like huh? So I log in and open maple again. "This ID is already logged in or under inspection" This is where I go, am i getting hacked and that feeling goes down my body of worrieness. I log in another account and ./find Protoman7777. he is hat Free Market. Crap o


Spring 20 Nx Event Help So, about this Spring 20% NX Event. If you buys ANY amount of NX. You'll get 20% more nx with each purchase. I.E, let's say you have 10k NX. When you redeem it, you will get 12k NX. Will the 20% Extra NX come as soon as you redeem, or when this event ends, and they distribute all the rewards. Also they accept all kinds of NX Payment, right? (Meaning) Any NX Purchase i.e "UGC, Karma Koin, Old NX Cards" will count for the 20% Event? All Responses Appreciated.


Spring 20 Nx Event Help So, about this Spring 20% NX Event. If you buys ANY amount of NX. You'll get 20% more nx with each purchase. I.E, let's say you have 10k NX. When you redeem it, you will get 12k NX. Will the 20% Extra NX come as soon as you redeem, or when this event ends, and they distribute all the rewards. Also they accept all kinds of NX Payment, right? (Meaning) Any NX Purchase i.e "UGC, Karma Koin, Old NX Cards" will count for the 20% Event? All Responses Appreciated.


Reason why all these hacks are running about. On a popular hacking website a user has made hacks for KMS when Chaos was released. I figured that Nexon America was too lazy to change the original .dll file so they released it in the official game (after they gave up trying to convert it) and lead to all these problems. The errors -30,-28 that you get when you start the game aren't from the hackers it's from a pre-patch error. I do not hack but I do browse through the hacking websites' threads and I found that the server issues isn't nexon it was hackers, but duping, has been confirmed, map crash is out, d/c whisper is out and something called Life-Taker which name was taken from a hack from combat arms meaning "power- level." These

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