

Nekama #Hero Talk

General Hero

What is the best shoes before Tyrants? Hello, I am too poor to get tyrants. Right now I have a 9% str pair of tradable dragon booties I found a really long time ago, 0 slots, only +1. I recently found a pair of nova boots. They have one star. Should I spend a couple hundred mill getting my Nova boots to +5ish stars, or save up my mesos and when the time comes sell my dragon boots and just purchase tyrants? Or, are there better shoes than my Dragon/Nova ones, but cheaper/worst than tyrants?

General Hero

Which weapon would be better? Hey, so I don't know how weapon speeds work. I made this temp sword to replace my bad ax. [url=][/url] I can see the Ax does more damage, but the sword is faster. I have 145%(165 w/ hyper) boss attack without the 30% boss attack potential of the ax, 96% pdr without the 15% pdr of the sword, and I don't have SI or speed +1 inner. Kinda pissed off because I didn't realize the sword was missing a slot until it was late, but I don't really mind because I got it to 13 stars with only 60m. edit: WTF >.< I just realized it was missing 2 slots. Who does that </3 It wasn't cheaper than any other 1h sword :~( :~( :~( :~(