

NeoShinron #Xenon Talk

General Xenon

Ways to improve my Xenon Okay guys... Some of you may be familiar with my chara, some not. Here's a rundown of my guy (After buying an AP reset and adding all points into DEX after 330) (These numbers are with the buffs I can keep up all of the time, this is NOT with OOAParts, and this is without dojo gloves which I CAN get) HP: 34,996 MP: (Irrelevant) STR: 1448 DEX: 2112 LUK: 1681 All Stat%: 10% DEX%: 26% LUK%: 7% STR%: 12% Critical rate: 95% Min Crit: 49% Max Crit: 68% Ignore DEF: 80% Boss%: 130% Boss% with OOA: 160% Stance: 90% Range with regular buffs: 237,895 ~ 264,327 OOA range: 281,950 ~ 313,276 AB link : 386,713 for like 13 seconds Range with dojo gloves / guild potions / AB link: Over 500k for 13 seconds Buff Duration: 24% + S rank

General Xenon

P/c on fafnir whip amp should I get the jett link skill Hello guys. Just got back after a 3 month break (didn't get banned, computer broke) Anyway I got back in time for miracle time and kinda pimped out my n00b sword. Here the stats, I'm in Windia: Fafnir Split edge (Theif) 12 stars 37 STR 72 Dex 74 Luk 215 wep atk (other base stats irrelevant) Unique pot: 9% Dex 6% luk 8% crit rate Bonus pots: 3 noob pots like jump Forutitous ani soul applied (luk + 3 & 10 wep attack) C neb for ignore PDR 15%. So I got platinum scissors of karma with all those maple points they gave out. And I just wanna know what this might sell for. I got another one ready to scroll again, so if this word could get me like... 4 bil... I could look into getting &

General Xenon

Question about our lvl 200 Hyper It says the enemy suffers from losing like 30% of it's defense (I assume that's the %defense that most people care about) after it gets hit. What I'm wondering is this... Let's say I have 70% PDR and I use my Hyper... Am I then ignoring 100% of the monster's defense? Or does it somehow add the way that PDR now adds where I don't think you can actually hit 100% PDR anymore, cuz the more ya have the less ya get from more. I guess as another follow-up question: Does buff duration affect the debuffs you put on enemies?

General Xenon

Somebody shoot down my n00by idea for my Xenon After reading some of the advice I've been given on this forum, I have concocted a plan. 1. Get alchemy skill pretty high (10 ideally, but I'll probably start fusing hearts before then) 2. Fuse a bunch of hybrid hearts from commerci hoping for epics. 3. Keep fusing hoping to get a unique heart or at least %atk on an epic What do ya think? I tested this idea the other day (I thought store bought items couldn't have potential upon fusing) Well after buying 6 hats from henessy, I got 3 rares out of it. So I guess my real question is... Can you get unique potentials from fusing? And will alchemy skill help me in my quest for epic & unique hearts?

General Xenon

Absolute best Character Card Sets for Xenon Hello, obviously I am NeoShinron. Anyway... I'm wondering what the absolute best set of character cards would be for my class. It should be noted that my range is only like 500k (while using the angelic buster link skill). I would call myself "semi-funded" at this point, I definitely don't hit cap, nor do I intend to spend $1000's of dollars on this game. What this means to me... Is that I think that the +10 all stat bonuses from card set effects may actually be rather important to me. [b]Here are my important stats, and Current deck.[/b] I currently have like... 10% all stat (not counting Xenon's innate buffs) By sheer luck of the dice/cube I have like 17% DEX I think, my highest %stat