NextGeneration #Tech Talk

General Tech

Centroid triangle math Hey guys so I recently got a math problem on the centroid.. I need to make an equation to find x Explain why I did that equation Think of a triangle The top if the triangle is Q the bottom left is P the bottom right is R. O is the centroid of the triangle PQR and the line above the centroid to the top of the triangle is OM and the line under the centroid is OR. If line OM=(5x+3) and OR=(7+9x) how do we make an equation? And explain please I tried making an equation 5x+3=7+9x because centroid is the median of all lines and they need to be equal but ? 4x=-4 X=-1 Is that the answer or a centroid of a triangle cannot be a negative number ? 5(-1)+3=7+9(-1) -5+3=7+(-9) -2=-2

General Tech

Microsoft Excel graph making Alright I'm not sure how to make graphs with Excel (always used the basic layouts). I cant use basic layouts for the graph that I need to make... How would I make a graph with 2 y axis, 1 x axis - but I need to include years, SO2 (mt), clearwater PH, hannah PH, Lohi PH, where the name of those lakes are labelled with colour line and Acidity (pH) would be one of the y axis.. i dont know if I'm saying this right what it should look like how would I arrange data in excel to make it look like that ^^