

NineCrimes #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Snipe or Pierce? I was wondering what you Marks(wo)men did and why. I really would like to mainly level from bossing in 4th job, so I'm tempted to do Snipe first, but I'm concerned that finding a bossing group will be excessively hard in Bera, where there are a lot of high level archers already. This would be a problem since I'd have a high level of Snipe but wouldn't be able to boss, so I feel like my training outside of bossing will be really slow. Also, at what level would I become desirable on Zak runs? Input?

General Bowman

Attack Speed 1 vs. Boss Damage For a MM, which is better damage-wise? I have 13% boss damage right now, but I'm not sure whether to keep trying for Attack Speed +1. Obviously if Attack Speed +1 is significantly better, I'll bite the bullet and circulate it away, but if it's not /that/ much better, I won't bother, at least not for a while. Also, Snipe attacks slower than other attacks, no? Or is it just the animation that makes it seem that way? So would Attack Speed +1 essentially just be bringing it up to the same speed as US? Thanks in advance.