

NinjaSome #Thief Talk

General Thief

Time to change equips? Well, since I have just leveled to 105 :D. Finally one more level to Night Lord? [i]I am a Regular Dex Hermit..[/i] Stats: [b]STR:[/b] 51 (5+46) [b]DEX:[/b] 200 (150+50) [b]INT:[/b] 29 (4+25) [b]LUK:[/b] 469 (373+96) [b]Equips (Things that might be able to upgrade or replaced):[/b] Targar Helm 27/12/6/8. 3%Luk/3Lined. [i](Chaos Scrolls? Yea.)[/i] PAC 3Atk/10Luk, 4%Luk/2%HP. No Pendant. Level 17 Evolving Ring. Critical Ring. Clean Pirate Top/Pants. Black Snow Shoes 7Dex/1Luk. Stormcaster Gloves 17Atk Craven 82Atk, 6%Dex/3%Total Damage. Single Earring (Level 15) 15Luk. Damage Range: 3424 ~ 5268. Unbuffed. [b]Funding:[/b] I might buy 100~150k NX because I have recently came back after a 2 month break. (Needed to do bette

General Thief

What has happened? Okay, I quit for a long time and I heard like a lot of things are changing like the new Archers have double jump or something? I have a NL, CB, Sin, and a 4th Job DB. What's happening wit hthe thief class? Someone told me NLs are having a [b]BIG[/b] skill change up? Quad throw or something? Could someone fill me in on what mostly has happened or is going to happen? Thanks, Chris! (Aka NinjaSome) o: P.S. I only quit because I'm in Pre-AP and AP courses at school and it's time consuming, and my friends got me into League of Legends (champ name is Mahpsirhc! :D)