

Niten #General Talk


Reboot Range So I was just wondering what is everyone's range? Please list your job, level, range, and equips. If you want to share potentials that would be cool too. :D I will start Job: Phantom Level: 151 Range: Clean 20k ~ 22k & Buffed 43k ~ 48k (Using Cross Surge for more damage instead of Dark Clarity for extra range) (My stolen skills are Iron Body, Hyper Body, Cross Surge, and Sharp Eyes) Equips: Clean Muspell Overall, Cane, Shoves, and Gloves, Pensilar Cape and Hat (Hat has 3% luck), Carte Finale ( Has 9% luck), Sailor Belt, Curbock Shoulder & Badge & Ring, Spieglman's Mustache, Fairy Mark (Face Acc) EDIT: What armor is now considered End-game? Would it be Pensalir until we find people to taken down Empress and the other