NoMoreHeros #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Commerci bosses misaligned Mist So when I do Commerci, specifically when I fight Grosso Polpo, my flame haze casts my mist too low to use mist eruption on him. Is there a certain place on the ship that I'm supposed to stand in order to properly use FH + ME on Grosso? Also, even though I have magic guard and Mihile link skill, my survivability is terrible... I know it's a mage, but I shouldn't be dying on a Commerci voyage right? Are there any tips on control that I could use? I'm just not used to a mage.

General Firepoisonarchmage

Upgrading Equips I'm looking to do some upgrading, now that I've hit level 160. Currently I've been working on an empress staff, which is nearly perfected. Other than this staff I have 4 piece empress, no cape or shoulder (I can afford both, but just have chosen not to purchase them yet). I haven't equipped any of my empress because I'm not sure if this is the right way to go. Can someone tell me, should I go ahead and work on my empress -> transpose to sweewater, or should I sell it off and invest in Tyrants or whatever? Currently I have 1.4b mesos and about 1b in items that I can sell.