NoMoreHeros #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Which way should I go. Hey guys, the RED patch has made me want to start up a warrior again. I already have a Dark Knight, and they look very interesting... but the Paladin looks equally interesting, and I've never tried a Paladin before. I am torn between the two. Which class should I go for/fund, and why? Honestly, I don't care about the damage. Both classes can do pretty decent damage from what I see. I care about what'll keep me interested in the class longest, a varied play style, the ability to grow as a class (become stronger over time). Thanks in advance.

General Warrior

Hero or Dark Knight? Title. I have a UA Dark Knight, level 129, that I made some time ago. It has a Evo ring III, level 10 on it, that I foolishly somehow didn't make tradeable on the last day, so it's stuck on that character. However, although the Dark Knight will be a challenge to get to a decent level of damage (and by that, I mean like... 200k per line of DI? My standards are probably not that high), and I like challenges, I feel drawn to the Hero class... I don't know what to do. Opinions please?