Nonamejdovka #Chat Talk

General Chat

How do I find my iPod Touch? Today someone stole my iPod touch 4G 32GB , wallet , and the lock in my schools PE change room. I locked everything up, but when I came back from my activity, the stated items were gone. They left my phone because I can probably GPS track that. I'm more choked about the iPod touch though. Is there a way I can find where it is? I had MobileMe activated with it, but it says no location available because it is not connected to wifi =.= I had a password to get in, and many of my apps like photos, music, downloads, notes, etc were also locked, but you never know what hackers can do these days. :/ Help please?

General Chat

Halo Reach Credit Ban? Does anyone know what happens after a credit ban? They say first offence is 24 hours and second is 14 days, but I don't remember being banned before and now I'm banned from earning credits for 14 days. I'm not sure why I'm banned because I don't exploit any glitches or anything :( Does anyone know if I can get my rank back after? Or would I have to play until I reach that rank? I was a Brigadier Grade 3 and if I start at recruit again I'm just rage quitting :(