

NotZach #Chat Talk

General Chat

RANT: This might end up being a horrid Christmas Yesterday my Mother & Father went into town for pretty much the entire day (Probably late Xmas shopping.) And I was cleaning the house for a bit, finished the dishes and decided to take a break. As I sat on my bed listening to some music I hear a loud knock on the door, naturally thinking it was my parents, I rushed to open the door (Mom usually gets pissed if I don't open the door for her right away.) I opened it to my surprised - it was my Grandparents, I greeted them in shock and asked why they decided to drop by (Both sides of my family are really messed up, and we like to avoid one another.) They stopped by acting strangely nice and very formal. They brought us come Xmas food as a gi

General Chat

What is your opinion on today's comedy? [url=]Don't you agree?[/url] It just seems so hard to find comedy today that doesn't need to survive solely off of sex jokes, offensive jokes, racial slurs, pop culture references, or even random cutaway scenes that have nothing to do with what is going on in the plot. Not that I hate our modern comedy, I still find it funny, yet also very cheap at the same time, if that makes sense. hbu?

General Chat

Work out help! [url=]I have decided that I want a more toned body much like his. Skip to about 16 secs to see it[/url] I'm pretty much anorexic (Everyone says I look skinny as hell or that I look anorexic) so it's not like I'll have a giant layer of stomach fat to burn through. Should I just do sit ups? If so how many? I don't want to be bulky and have muscular arms or anything. tbh I don't really find muscles attractive. I only like this because it's like a nice, skinny, toned muscular? anyways advice is appreciated. :)

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