Novagnome24 #Chat Talk

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Share stories of your evil teachers. We all have them, my English teacher is evil, she yells at people for the absolute dumbest reasons and forces people to redo work because it may have an incredibly stupid mistake in it. Not only that, she takes points off if you answer opinion questions wrong. Share your stories of your teachers! Edit: She also demands too much, we once had to write a 15 sentence paragraph summarizing a short little poem that didn't even have that many ideas in it.

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Benefits of a motorcycle? Well, I'm 15, and when I turn 16 in a few months I should be able to get my permit. I also believe that there are certain prerequisites that have to be met before you can get a license for a motorcycle. Now I'm just thinking ahead, but I'm thinking that I want to get a motorcycle, preferably a chopper. Anyways, I heard somewhere that choppers are usually cheaper than cars, and are more fuel efficient, not to mention more maneuverable. Now yes, I understand that motorcycles are much more dangerous than cars, and you won't be able to have any passengers, and you don't be able to hold much luggage. Anyways, if anybody here has a motorcycle, could you share your opinions on it? Would you recommend getting one? Thank yo

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Observation about Kirby's Epic Yarn. Now, if you guys remember, back when the gamecube was popular, there came out a game called Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (God, I loved that game), and for a control, you would use a pair of bongos, I don't know what other people thought, but I thought it worked out quite well. After a few years, a wii remake of the game came out, one small change was that when you clap, you can only clap in one direction, the sound doesn't cover a large area, and you can only grab while in the air (I found this a bit annoying). At the end of the level, you get ranked depending how many bananas you collect, and bananas appear [b]everywhere[/b], no matter what you do, You'll get bananas. So why am I referring to this game when

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My grandmother passed away. About 45 minutes ago, from pancreatic cancer. I loved her, and yet for some reason, I don't feel anything. I feel pretty much the same way I did before I found out that she died, and I'm writing this with a straight face, no tears or sadness. I don't know if the feeling hasn't sunk in yet, but am I the only one who felt nothing when their relative died? Its even more ironic that I spent more time with her than I did with my mother. How did it hit you when your relative died?

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Would you make wishes at an expense? *blah blah insert backstory blah blah* In short, you've been offered an opportunity to have almost any wishes you have be granted. At first, you are told the exact time and date of your death, then you are told the cause of your death. Every wish you make shortens your lifespan by five years, and your cause of death becomes more gruesome than what it was previously. Your wishes cannot interfere with this rule at all. You may wish for invincibility or any other power that may seem like it will help you escape your predicted death, but when your time of death comes, your wish will be negated. There are no catches on your wishes either, you get exactly what you ask for, no catch or trick whatsoever. So, wha

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What I dont like about many FPS video games. This also applies to some other new games. There aren't many punishments for failure. In these new games, if you fail, you can just respawn and try again as much as you want. Whatever happened to life count? Or continues? Or even game over screens for that matter? What used to happen was when you died, you would restart at a checkpoint / the current room, but with one less life, and if you lose all your lives, you have to restart the stage. What happens now is you get as many tries as you want, so there's nothing that you're actually afraid of, no punishment whatsoever. It may have been harder, but I feel that developers don't really incorporate the challenge very well. This is actually a reason

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What/Who is the hardest video game boss you've ever faced? [b]Warning, spoilers ahead[/b] For me, it was believe it or not, Ray Sullivan from Dead Rising 2. The first thing that makes him a difficult boss is the actual environment in which you have to fight him. The stage is a rooftop, and he stands on top of scaffolding. In order to get up to him you can't just jump on top of the scaffolding, as it is too high, so you must get to one platform and then jump onto the scaffolding. Ray will try to prevent this by shooting you, and he can do quite a lot of damage with his gun, which will knock you back and may force you off the platform that you have to jump on to get on the scaffolding. His other move to stop you from getting on the scaffoldin

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My mind is finally restoring itself. So after almost a decade, I now feel better. For several years now, I would have trouble looking at things that would be deemed "scary", and sometimes, even when I saw a trailer for a horror movie, I'd have trouble forgetting it. I usually had the most trouble with anything containing zombies in it, as that was what ruined my mind in the first place. Anyways, this may sound silly, but all this came from a video game, even more silly that it was a Nintendo game. When I was little, I had a great game called LoZ Wind Waker, and I was exploring the basement of that teacher's house (forgot her name), and anyways, I came to one room with what looked like two statues (at the time), and anyone who ever

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Such a thing as being "too" polite? To the point where it actually starts to become a problem for you? I believe that this is happening to me. At school I have moments where I want to talk to some person but then decide not to because I'm under the impression: "I'm bothering them." Or if I overhear a conversation and have something to contribute, I don't because I think "I'm not involved in this, plus they will probably think of me strangely." Then at other times I may wait a while to talk a teacher, and right as I begin talking to her, some other person shouts from across the room / comes up to her and starts talking, and I feel obligated to be quiet and let them talk. I'm always thinking I'm making a bad impr

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Question for Atheists What year do we live in? If you're part of the majority of the world it's 2012. Now, obviously the world existed far longer than only 2012 years. 2012 years is how long it has been since Jesus Christ was born. So, if you hate Christianity and religion so much, while do you still abide by a dating system that was clearly created because of an influential figure relating to Christianity? Disclaimer: I am not a Christian nor an Atheist. I am Agnostic.

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