Novagnome24 #General Talk


How many even play this game anymore? Hi, returning player here; haven't played seriously in years. I remember long ago that no matter where you went, there used to be people all over the place in just about any server. But now, I find that I'm playing on my Demon Slayer on Broa and I'm lucky if I can find even a few people on Channel 1. I understand that the majority of players are probably in the Free Market or in Henesys, and in other servers like Scania, but it's kinda weird to see the game like this. I also remember people would always spam megaphones in chat, but not so much anymore (not that that's a bad thing, of course, given the kinds of things that used to be spammed). So is this game really dying, or am I just in the wrong serve


Help and old, returning player out - questing for fame Hello my friends, I have just recently returned to Maplestory after a three-year hiatus, and I require some advice. Quite a lot of things have changed while I was gone, and I'm not entirely up-to-date on it all. Long story short, I decided to make a new Xenon, who I just got to level 40, but when I tried to equip the lvl 40 items I had on me, I was told that I didn't have the necessary amount of fame to do so. I'd prefer not to go around buying or begging for fame from other people, so I'd like to know if there are any 40 or below quests that I can do to raise my fame to 20+. Or maybe just general things I can do to earn fame without having to deal with other people. Help would be appre