OMGitsarock #General Talk


Realization of the stupidity 100% serious right now, if anyone were to analyze this game it would be like this: -Spamming 1-3 keys constantly killing the same mob over and over again until level -Purple/Pink/Orange numbers turn people on -Some people have spent $30,000 dollars on this game (Not mentioning names). That could buy a brand new CAR -You can't even boss most of the good bosses anymore, MORE money! -Seriously, you are spending all this money to see some large purple numbers? -There is no difficulty in this game nor skill required to kill monsters. Just dedication and r.e.tardation -They release some uncreative class once in a while where everyone goes crazy for just to spam its 1-3 moves


To all those complaining about Sw drop rate nerf I don't understand why people are complaining about the nerf. I think it was necessary to balance the game in terms of funding. Although these equips were not as powerful as Fafnir, they are still an extremely OP alternative. Those complaining that the drop rate was already low enough are utterly stupid. Clearly you don't see the FM flooded with SW weapons. I mean cmon, a level 160 equip with high capability potentials selling for as low as 100m? They even come with OP set effects. To top it all off, it completely destroys the people who have spent money and time into this game perfecting empress and fafnir just to get blown by kids who just grind a boss that can be killed with a 40k range an


New Class Idea Job Branch: Mage Primary Weapon: Scythe Secondary Weapon: Chains of Darkness Class Origin: Resistance Story of the character (1): As the black mage slowly awakens, the Maple world begins to plan their defense. You start out on a small island where the Black Mage attacks, the job instructor for mages is there with many other civilians. When you see the village burning, you are filled with anger and out of nowhere a dark purple chain of magic begins to rap around your arm. You feel a sudden surge of energy as you charge the Black Mage's minions wiping them out with extremely powerful dark magic skills. Afterwards you faint and wake up in the resistance where you begin your journey. You later on discover that you are a long desc


Plz help plox so 2day my gurlfrand n i went on a d8. we went to chucky cheezes n it was super fun. while we wre eatin food there she sed somthing dat nocked me out of my seet! she sed she luved me! i waz so scared i went to the bathroom. i crawled out the bathrrom window n left her there. heres my probleim: wen i left i 4got to take my chucky cheese tickets dat i wun! wat do i do? i calld her but she tell me to go do myself. i did do myself n she still say no... she took my tikets n now i cant buy my baloon hammer n funky glasses. wat do i do guys? i so sad rie now. girls r nothing but trouble.


New version of Lhc? I was doing a quest for my Lv.113 Night Walker in Omega Sector when I stumbled across a place filled with these alien guys. They had high amounts of HP. I left to finish my quest. When I came back to this map on my way back, I noticed that it said "50% of Exp will be applied per party member". I then realized holy mother of cows... this may be the new LHC? Perhaps Nexon wished people to explore the Maple World so they put it in the most unpopulated/unvisited place? Me and my friend are training here right now if anyone in Scania wishes to join. It is 34k xp per kill roughly but they have a lot of HP. Edit: [url=[term]=zoidberg&filter


Dirty Confession Everyone Needs 2 Know [b]I can't keep it in anymore, it haunts me everyday. I'm sorry I let you all down. I let myself down.[/b] I thought I had everybody by my side, But I went and blew it all sky high, And now she wont even spare a passing glance All just because I (rip) ripped my pants When big larry came round just to put him down Spongebob turned into a clown And no girl ever wants to dance With a fool who went and ripped his pants I no I shouldn't mope around I shouldn't curse But the pain feels so much worse But windin up with no one is a lot less fun then a burn From the sun or sand in your buns! Now I learned a lesson I won't soon forget Listen and you wont regret Be true to yourself don't miss your chance And you


Meanwhile in Nexon Headquarters Nexon Employee 1: Ok everyone, the maintenance is up and running. Nexon Employee 2: Man, this is going to be a long boring night. Nexon Employee 3: I know what could make this night a little better. Nexon Employee 2: What? Nexon Employee 3: I'll extend the maintenance by 5 hours and hire a voice narrator to come down here and read us BasilMarket threads. Nexon Employee 1: Haha, I love hearing those putrid prepubescent teens squeal like little piggies for me! Nexon Employee 2: Mwahaha, and on top of that, I will pass random Hell Bans to people with ugly in game names. All three laugh together maniacally. Nexon Employee 1: I love you guys all so much. Random make out scene followed by a three some. Maintenance


The reason behind Unleashed Unleashed was to eliminate all the people who did not want to grind. Those people are referred to as quitters. SpongeBob didn't want to be a quitter and pretended to like air when he met Sandy. Beaches are sandy. Beaches have lots of water. Canada has some of the worlds largest amounts of fresh water. Canada's national animals are the Moose and Beaver. Beaver rhymes with Bieber. JB's has an album called my world. My world could be anyone's world when read out loud. Loud is an antonym for quiet. A library is quiet. Books are in libraries. Maplestory uses mastery books. This was all a scheme for Maplestory players to use more books. *clap clap clap* Nexon you sneaky rascals.

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