

Oddish #General Talk


Whats so good about BattleRoids? I did a quick Google search targeting BasilMarket threads for any such topic but couldn't find an answer. They sell for a lot. I'd understand that if they functioned per their description, but according to this blog... "Battleroid coupon descriptions are currently inccorect. The coupons state: Prevents EXP loss AND restores HP to max while maintaining current buffs when you revive on the current map. However, Battleroids do not have the exp loss-prevention feature, nor do they restore your HP upon revival. Customer Support says this is a typo and that Battleroids are only supposed to contain the buff freezer effect. This issue has also been passed on to the relevant people, but they are yet to do anythi


Trading one amazing IGN for another It's one of those IGNs that lots of people would have immediately tried to get/was at the top of their lists after the reset. Pretty much universal appeal. If you own one you think is similar in that way and you don't want to commit to using it and want to see what else is out there, get in touch and PM me. Hope we can work this out, thanks. *Since someone asked me to elaborate, the IGN is in the same ranks of desirability of words such as Storm, Snow, Light, Vanilla, Cold, etc. 4/13/2016 update: In case you suffer from frivolous skepticism as our good friend insists on, here are some screens from January where I've traded IGNs. That and read page 3 of this thread to quell some other concerns - in particu