

OhShutUp #Chat Talk

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so I just found out who my real father is about an hour ago. not really sure how to feel right now. I've never met this man. ever. My mom was a single mother until I was around six or seven -- I was her flower girl. I remember asking her if the man she was marrying was my real dad when I was younger, and she didn't give me a direct answer. But it didn't really bother me so much, so I never asked he about my biological father again. Of course, I've always been curious, but I never brought it up again. anyways, I don't want to give too many details about how I found out, because apparently I was never supposed to know... lol. [b]but do you guys want to know the crazy part?[/b] I actually met my half-brother (well, not entirely sure -- he migh

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on the quest for clear skin i've had problematic, oily skin pretty much since puberty, and i've tried a lot in attempts to clear it. i recently got this sulfur spot treatment that you're supposed to put directly on blemishes... it's pink and i look diseased, so naturally i took a [url=http://oi46.tinypic.com/xpn14j.jpg]selfie[/url]. i've heard good things about it but we'll see but anyway yeah i figured most of you have/had acne, so i was wondering if anyone had any product recommendations/tips to get rid of it? as you can see, i have LOTS of active breakouts on my forehead and cheeks, and i have a big party for my 18th birthday coming up in about a month. i know it's not that far, but i was hoping to at least lessen the amount or get them

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americas got talent finale i doubt many of you watch the show but i think it's a nice way to relax after a long day. tonight was the finale; if you kept up with the show, what are your thoughts on how the top 6 placed? winner: kenichi ebina (dancer) 2nd: taylor williamson (comedian) 3rd: jimmy rose (country singer) 4th: forte (opera trio) 5th: collins key (magician) 6th: cami bradley (singer) i'm very pleased. my top 2 finished first and second.. i'm just really glad the country singer didn't win