

Ohanna #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Looking for upgrade ideas before i equip items OK so my first love has always been the BaM, yet I've neglected fully funding it due to lack of damage, but with the recent buff and up coming buffs I'm all in! I believe I'm decently funded not godly by any means but looking to get best possible range with my funds and current equips, so I'm going to list my equips with stats, and my upgrading priorities, need advice if my priorities are right and what are my next moves with upgrading. Hat- RA Mage 3L Epic Clean (Priority get to unique at least 15%, chaos later) Face- RS Face Paint (no other options i know of branch nose is way too OP for how weak it is) Eyes- Specs Unique 10% clean ( scrolling for m.atk later dont think worth trying to cube f