OldManMaple #General Talk


Ap Resets You can quit whining now I don't remember who said it, but I've seen a bunch of people complaining about the AP resets as of late. For those of you who didn't look at the events, I see 5 AP resets coming over the next 2 months. Here is a list from the event menu in the game and their dates. Tempest Hot Day 1, 12-1-12 Luminous' Arrival Hot Day 1, 12-8-12 Luminous' Arrival Hot Day 2, 12-16-12 Kaiser's Arrival Hot Day 1, 12-22-12 Angelict Burster's Arrival Hot Day, 1 1-13-13 Now go play, or better yet, study for finals!


Im glad to be backand am enjoying Cygnus Knights (Before anyone says, "Old News Bra", I knew this update was coming months and months ago. I just wanted to talk about it because I like to talk) I quit awhile back because this game was spending so much time on events and trying to keep you power leveling that I wasn't actually enjoying the rest of the game. Plus, I have a lot going on in my life. But, like many people I came back. This time I wasn't going to worry about money, power, or the need to get to a super high level ASAP. I was just going to enjoy the game. The order of business was to pick characters that didn't require me to be a millionaire. So, I chose all 3 Cygnus Knights. I enjoy all 3 WAY more than I thought I would.


Frustrated about secondary stat removal w/ Tempest Patch Welp, it looks like they're giving us all SP resets with the Tempest patch months and months from now... And, it's really cool that they're getting ride of the secondary stats on the equipments. (Not sure how that affects pirates, since some are strength based and some are dex...) So, now I'm afraid to level up any characters period. Because, if you do, you'll get new equipment, and thus will need to bump up that secondary stat. Guess, I'm just going to work on a BUTT-TON of UE's, since I won't give a crap about the Cygnus Knight after it's all done. Darn... Was looking forward to playing my real characters.


Are logout gifts back or something? I didn't see anything on their page about this. I was merching and moved an item to my main character and got a choice of 3 items. I chose one and it said something about getting it in 3 days. So I was thinking, "Alrighty, didn't really need any of these, but ok. Thanks Nexon." So I swap to my mule again and move another item to my main. I get a message saying my item is already in the cash shop, and to go get it. I go there, and low and behold, there is nothing there. Since I didn't see anything on their page, I figured that maybe I just ran into an old event bug or something. I don't really want a face change coupon anyways. I'm just confused. Maybe something will happen in 3 days and the warn


Are logout gifts back or something? I didn't see anything on their page about this. I was merching and moved an item to my main character and got a choice of 3 items. I chose one and it said something about getting it in 3 days. So I was thinking, "Alrighty, didn't really need any of these, but ok. Thanks Nexon." So I swap to my mule again and move another item to my main. I get a message saying my item is already in the cash shop, and to go get it. I go there, and low and behold, there is nothing there. Since I didn't see anything on their page, I figured that maybe I just ran into an old event bug or something. I don't really want a face change coupon anyways. I'm just confused. Maybe something will happen in 3 days and the warn


I think Justice is Orchids sister Lotus I was watching this youtube video from Tespia and Orchid's sister Lotus was mentioned. They were wondering where the heck she was. Orchid said she doesn't hang around waiting orders, she's always finding stuff to do. Go to 2:56 and read. That's a likely story. It's a cover. I'm placing my money on the fact that she's a spy and is actually Justice, the Hero of the Thieves. If you watch and listen closely, the only person speaking in the video preview is Evan's predecessor. It's not the new hero. So no voice to prove it's not a female. Shakar mentioned this being a mysterious dude, but is that translated? (I don't read the language.) Can't exactly prove that's a male. (I'm not hating on Shakar fyi, I lo


About deleting base Cygnus Knights from UA UE (There has been a lot of questions about deleting your Cygnus Knight. So I'm reposting a thread from my old account. This answers all of these questions about deleting the base character. Thanks... Original link is here.) "Ok, so I had a bet with a fellow guilds mate that you could make a 2nd UE on the same account on the same server. Now some of you are gonna say, "Duh! Nexon said that on their page." ;contentNo=00BBw&pageIndex=1 (Official Site) the acorn story article also proves this;contentNo=00BFE&pageIndex=1 (Official Site) But, I took it a step further. I wanted to know what would happen to said UE if you deleted your Cygnus base. So, before I get started let's make

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