

Paid #General Talk


GMs respond to recent banning Paid of Scania has word from the GM's! I went and did some detective work for those of you feeling unsure about your accounts! I'm sorry we have been unable to resolve your issue to this point. Please be aware that your request has been escalated for immediate attention. * *: Says * *: im * *: being put * *: for immediate attention * *: and gets no answers. * *: sigh.. GM Nyurak: Greetings! How can I help? * *: omg * *: You answered! * *: GM Nyurak * *: How are you? GM Nyurak: I am fine! How are you? * *: Not to good because of my account! Are the GM's aware about what is going on with banned maplers? GM Nyurak: Yes we are, and our team is currently working on the issue. GM Nyurak: I see you have submitted a ti