

PatuSan #Fun Talk

General Fun

Stop recommending crep shows Everyone, Stop Recommending That Stupid American Anime Crap. Nobody Wants To Watch Sailor Moon And Other Old 1990's anime. Go Watch Some SPEED RACER The Most Legit Show To Watch. All The 3rd Graders Will Praise You For Your Amazing Choice In An Animated Series. BARNIE Is Also A REALLY GOOD ANIME. Dude I Have Been Watching Anime For Years, And The Absolute Best Anime To Watch Is UNCLE GRANDPA. So my list of the best ANIME is... 1. Uncle Grandpa <--- Made in Japan so it's legit Anime 2. Barnie <--- Also made in Japan 3. Speed Racer <--- Made in Korea but they sold it to Iran, that's why when we watch on Cartoon Network you get Iran producers. The more you know :) #noobscan'trecommendanime #legitanime #all

General Fun

random hs story In freshman year, I was always known for being short. 5'1" sucks and everyone calls you out for being the short asian guy. I was fairly good looking freshman year, but I couldn't score with any girl because it wasn't normal to date a girl taller than you. I hate that mentality. Anyway, I asked out a cute girl that I felt I had a connection with. She was pretty, and back then I was into tanned swimmers. She was about 2 inches taller than me, not much of a difference. I finally pulled enough courage to ask her out. nope. She says that she doesn't like guys shorter than her. She also told me that she didn't want to be friends anymore, because she'll always look at me weird since she knows that I had a crush on her. I ignor